Auckland Council


Mayor: Phil Goff

The Auckland Plan 2050 sets the direction for how Auckland will grow and develop over the next 30 years. It responds to the key challenges faced – high population growth, sharing prosperity among all Aucklanders, and reducing environmental damage.

To address these challenges, the plan identifies six outcomes that will deliver a better Auckland:

  • Belonging and Participation

  • Māori Identity and Wellbeing

  • Homes and Places

  • Transport and Access

  • Environment and Cultural Heritage

  • Opportunity and Prosperity.

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The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an international alliance of cities with a shared long-term vision of promoting voluntary action to combat climate change and transition to low-emission and resilient societies. The Global Covenant now includes over 10,000 cities from 120 countries, representing over 970 million people and 12.4% of the total global population, and is the largest global network of councils leading action on climate change.


GCoM Badges Awarded

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