City of Darebin


Mayor: Lina Messina

In May 2021, Darebin spearheaded the Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO) - a ground-breaking project where Council coordinated 46 Victorian Councils to pool their electricity needs into one long-term 100% renewable energy contract. VECO is the largest emissions reduction project ever delivered by local governments in Australia.

Darebin became a certified carbon neutral organisation under the federal government’s Climate Active program 2021. 

Locally, Darebin continues to roll out residential rooftop solar under the innovative Solar Saver program with 220 installations in 2021. A partnership with local community group, Village Power, has been established, to investigate a community battery.

Darebin seeks opportunities to use recycled content in capital projects with recycled content used recently in asphalt, bricks, rooking tiles and park furniture.  

Darebin is also supporting vulnerable members of our community through the Keep Cool in Darebin campaign and Fuel Poverty Project that both focus on safety during extreme weather events.  


The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an international alliance of cities with a shared long-term vision of promoting voluntary action to combat climate change and transition to low-emission and resilient societies. The Global Covenant now includes over 10,000 cities from 120 countries, representing over 970 million people and 12.4% of the total global population, and is the largest global network of councils leading action on climate change.

GCoM Badges Awarded