City of Maribyrnong


Mayor: Cr Anthony Tran

Maribyrnong City Council released its first Carbon Neutral Action Plan in 2008 and has been carbon neutral since 2015. In 2019, Council acknowledged a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government. Since then Council has adopted its Climate Emergency Strategy 2020-2025 and is developing its Climate Emergency Action Plan.

Ongoing actions Council is undertaking directly to address the climate emergency include using 100% renewable electricity from wind for its buildings and street lights, installing solar panels and electric vehicle chargers, introducing a residential garden and food waste recycling service, increasing ESD requirements, and delivering workshops and community programs.

Council is also investigating potential solar/sustainable energy project options for Council and the community with environmental benefits and revenue raising capacity. Council’s commitment to addressing the climate emergency is demonstrated through its Strategies, actions and ongoing participation in the Global Covenant of Mayors.


The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an international alliance of cities with a shared long-term vision of promoting voluntary action to combat climate change and transition to low-emission and resilient societies. The Global Covenant now includes over 10,000 cities from 120 countries, representing over 970 million people and 12.4% of the total global population, and is the largest global network of councils leading action on climate change.

GCoM Badges Awarded