City of Unley


Mayor Michael Hewitson AM

The City of Unley is committed to minimising the impacts of climate change while increasing resilience for the City and its community.

Council has worked for many years on preparing and responding to the impacts of climate change through their regional climate change adaptation partnership, Resilient East. This partnership takes a coordinated approach with seven local governments and the Government of South Australia to improve adaptation, and, ensure a resilient, climate smart and prosperous future for the eastern Adelaide region.

The City of Unley is well known for its leafy suburbs. Both Council and the community take pride in their trees and landscaped areas. The urban forest is valued for the character it adds to the City, as well as the cooling provided to homes, businesses and public spaces.  The City of Unley has adopted a target to increase green cover by 20% by 2045. The goal includes preserving the existing canopy cover, and incorporating new tree canopy wherever possible.

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The City of Unley is reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the use of smarter technology and renewable energy. In 2021, a new Climate and Energy Plan will be finalised to better track, manage and reduce Council’s operational carbon and energy footprint. The Plan will include an implementation strategy of priority works, timing and cost estimates.

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