Wyndham City Council


Mayor: Peter Maynard

Wyndham City Council has adopted a Resilient Wyndham 2021-2025 that is our pledge to work with our diverse communities, businesses and organisations to be better prepared for our uncertain future. This strategy has integrated the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and outlined a target for Wyndham to become carbon neutral on our operations by 2023 (excluding the RDF). In line with these commitment, Council is a proud signatory of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

Wyndham City has also switched to renewable energy for its own energy needs via the Victorian Energy Collaboration - the largest ever emissions reduction project by local government. We continue to be committed to reduce our greenhouse emissions through improving the energy efficiency in our buildings. We are also switching over our fleet to electric vehicles to reduce emissions from fossil fuels and are exploring waste management solutions to reduce emissions from landfill and our waste collection services.


The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an international alliance of cities with a shared long-term vision of promoting voluntary action to combat climate change and transition to low-emission and resilient societies. The Global Covenant now includes over 10,000 cities from 120 countries, representing over 970 million people and 12.4% of the total global population, and is the largest global network of councils leading action on climate change.

GCoM Badges Awarded