Brighton Council

Mayor: Leigh Gray

Brighton Council, Tasmania, acknowledges the traditional owners: the Mumirimina people and the Tasmanian Aboriginal Community today as the continuing custodians of this land and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

The Council recognises climate change action is required now to reduce the impacts of climate change impacts, for example, bushfire, flooding and heatwaves on our community.

The Brighton Council Climate Change and Resilience Strategy 2019 includes actions to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase resilience as the climate continues to change.

Across Council operations a zero emissions by 2040 target, with an interim target of a 30% emissions reduction by 2030, was set in 2021. Over 95kW of rooftop solar has been installed on Council buildings alongside energy efficiency upgrades to heating and lighting. More than 1000 streetlights were switched over to more efficient LED lighting. A community organic food waste and green waste collection service was introduced in 2021.

Brighton also has a Corporate Climate Change Adaptation Plan, to identify the best ways to manage climate change risks and latest climate change impacts information available.


The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an international alliance of cities with a shared long-term vision of promoting voluntary action to combat climate change and transition to low-emission and resilient societies. The Global Covenant now includes over 10,000 cities from 120 countries, representing over 970 million people and 12.4% of the total global population, and is the largest global network of councils leading action on climate change.

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